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How does Plunger Valve Work

Cylindrial piston is the openning and closing part of this valve. When the valve is openning, the piston  will not be affected by blind disc forces of the fluid. The torque is reduced significantly. It’s only 1/3 to 1/5 of the regular gate valves‘s or butterfly valve‘s operating torque valves. Piston will do axial movement guided by bronze rails.  This material combination of piston and rails is insensitive to deposits. The piston will be securely guided even in throttled positions. And further reduces the operating forces

The vaned ring is a component which has equally distributed vanes. When fluid flow through, the upstream fluid will break into many individual streamlines giving a spiral movement to the flow. The streamlines are guided to the center of the pipeline which will avoid cavitation damage of the pipeline because the cavitation bubbles become unstable and collapse, they do not collapse on the surface of the wall but in the water . And whenever water is regulated or isolated, it flows through a reduced area, with its velocity increasing and its pressure dropping. Water will evaporate if the pressure falls to less than the vapour pressure of water.

The caged cylinder is a  slotted extension of the piston. The slots are designed according to the operating conditions. The water is throttled from outside through the cylinder that causes the high velocity jet from each individual slot to collide with other jets. This collision of the water jets is confined to the center of the  cylinder where there is no material which could be destroyed. Velocity energy is thus converted to pressure energy which destroys at the flow axis the cavitation bubbles produced by the slots and entrained by the flow, without causing any damage. 

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